What is Headless Shopify?

E-commerce is always changing. And headless commerce is the latest big thing. If you're a business owner looking to start an online store, you need to know about headless Shopify.


Written by

Vasil Ignatov

As someone in the e-commerce game for years, I've seen online shopping change a lot. We've gone from basic online stores to fancy websites that work on phones, computers and even fridges. Now, there's a new way to build online stores called "headless commerce." And guess what? Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform, is leading the way with headless Shopify.

If you're considering starting an online store or upgrading your current one, you might have heard people talking about "headless" stuff. But what does that mean? And why should you care? Let's break it down and explore the world of headless Shopify.

Understanding Regular Shopify

Before we jump into headless Shopify, let's talk about how Shopify usually works. Shopify has been a big help for many business owners, including me. I remember setting up my first Shopify store back in 2014 for a client selling handmade jewelry. It was so easy compared to the complicated websites we used to build from scratch.

Shopify is an all-in-one e-commerce platform. That means it gives you everything you need to set up an online store:

  • A place to host your website
  • A system to manage your content
  • A way to process payments
  • A design (called a theme) to show your products

This is perfect for many businesses, especially those just starting out. You can quickly have a good-looking store up and running.

The good things about regular Shopify are:

  • It's easy to set up and manage
  • There are lots of pre-made designs to choose from
  • It has built-in tools to help people find your store online
  • You can add extra features with apps
  • It's safe and reliable

But as your business grows, you might start to feel limited:

  • It can be hard to make significant changes without knowing how to code
  • Your store might slow down if you have lots of products or use a complicated design
  • It can be tough to create a truly unique shopping experience
  • It might be hard to connect Shopify with other complex systems you use

This is where headless Shopify comes in handy.

What is Headless Shopify?

Imagine you're at a restaurant. In a regular setup, the kitchen (back-end) and dining area (front-end) are in the same building. Now, picture a restaurant where the kitchen could be anywhere – maybe even in a different city – and the food is delivered to many different dining areas, each designed for a specific type of customer. That's kind of like what headless commerce does for your online store.

Headless Shopify splits your store into two parts:

  1. The back-end: This is where you manage products, process orders, and handle payments.
  2. The front-end: This is what your customers see and interact with.

This means you can create a custom front-end that looks and works exactly how you want, while still using Shopify's powerful back-end to handle all the behind-the-scenes stuff.

Why Business Owners Should Care About Headless Shopify

Now, let's talk about why headless Shopify might be good for your business.

1. You Can Make Your Store Look and Work Exactly How You Want

With headless Shopify, you're not limited to pre-made designs. Want a unique product customizer? You can build it. Dream of letting customers shop by talking to their smart speakers? It's possible. The front-end is like a blank canvas – you can create anything you can imagine.

2. Your Store Can Be Super Fast

Speed is critical in online shopping. Studies show that even a tiny improvement in how fast your site loads can lead to more sales. Headless Shopify lets you make the front-end of your store super fast, which can help you sell more.

3. You Can Sell Anywhere

These days, customers expect to shop on websites, mobile apps, social media, and even smart devices. Headless Shopify makes creating a consistent shopping experience easier across all these different places.

4. It's Easier to Connect with Other Business Tools

Need to connect your store with other complex systems your business uses? With headless Shopify, this becomes much easier. You're not limited to what's available in the Shopify app store.

5. Your Store is Ready for the Future

Technology changes fast, and so do customer expectations. A headless approach lets you adapt quickly. You can easily add new features or sales channels without having to rebuild your entire store.

How Headless Shopify Works

Let's get a bit technical, but I'll keep it simple.

Shopify provides two main ways for other systems to talk to it:

  1. Admin API: This lets you manage products, orders, customers, and other back-end stuff.
  2. Storefront API: This is what you use to get information to show on your custom front-end.

For the front-end (what customers see), you can use modern web technologies like React, Vue.js, or Angular. These let developers create fast, interactive websites.

You might also use a separate system to manage content like blog posts or landing pages. This is called a headless CMS (Content Management System).

Is Headless Shopify Right for You?

Headless Shopify isn't for everyone. It might be a good fit if:

  • You need a lot of customization
  • Your store gets tons of visitors
  • You're selling in many different places (website, app, social media, etc.)
  • You need to connect your store with complex business systems

Headless Shopify vs. Other Options

How does headless Shopify compare to other choices? Here's a quick breakdown:

Headless Shopify vs. Regular Shopify

  • Customization: Headless wins by a lot
  • Ease of Use: Regular Shopify is simpler for non-tech people
  • Speed: Headless is faster, especially for big, complex stores
  • Cost: Regular is cheaper to start, but headless can save money in the long run for growing businesses

Headless Shopify vs. Other Headless Platforms

  • Shopify often costs less to run
  • Shopify's admin panel is usually easier to use
  • Other platforms might have more built-in features for B2B (business-to-business) selling

The Future of Online Shopping and Shopify

Online shopping keeps changing, and headless setups are leading the way. Here are some trends to watch:

1. Focus on Speed

Fast websites are becoming more important for search engines and shoppers. Headless stores can be super speedy.

2. AI and Personalization

Headless setups make it easier to use smart AI tools that personalize the shopping experience for each customer.

3. AR and VR Shopping

As augmented and virtual reality get better, headless commerce will help create immersive shopping experiences.

4. Voice Shopping

With more people using smart speakers, voice shopping is becoming a big deal. Headless setups make it easier to add voice shopping to your store.

Shopify is investing a lot in headless commerce. They're making it easier for developers to build headless solutions. This means headless Shopify will likely become even more powerful and easier to use in the future.

Getting Started with Headless Shopify

Ready to try headless Shopify? Here's how to begin:

1. Look at Your Current Store Figure out where a headless approach could really improve things.

2. Set Clear Goals Decide what you want to achieve. Is it a faster store? More customization? The ability to sell in more places?

3. Get the Right Team You'll need developers who know both Shopify and modern web technologies. Consider working with experts if you don't have the skills in-house.

4. Think Long-Term Remember, going headless isn't a one-time thing. Plan for ongoing improvements and changes as your business grows and technology evolves.

Wrapping Up

Headless Shopify is a big step forward in e-commerce technology. It offers unmatched flexibility, speed, and room for growth. It lets businesses create unique and powerful online shopping experiences.

But it's not for everyone. For some businesses, especially those just starting or with simple needs, regular Shopify might still be the best choice. But for those wanting to push the boundaries of what's possible in online shopping, headless Shopify opens up a world of opportunities.

As we look to the future, adapting quickly and offering great shopping experiences will be crucial for success in e-commerce. Headless setups provide the foundation for this flexibility and innovation.

Whether you're a small boutique wanting to stand out or a large company aiming to simplify operations across multiple brands, headless Shopify offers a way forward. It's not just about keeping up with competitors; it's about setting the pace and shaping the future of online retail.

So, are you ready to go headless? The future of e-commerce is here, and it's more flexible, faster, and more exciting than ever before.